AZ Beef industry contributes $1.7 billion to economy

In May 2014 the University of Arizona published an economic analysis of Arizona’s beef industry with county-by-county profiles.


  • In 2011, the estimated contribution of the beef industry to total economic output in the state of Arizona was $1.7 billion.
  • The Arizona beef industry supports 8,758 jobs. Of those jobs, 5,411 are directly attributed to the beef industry and the additional 3,347 jobs are a result of economic activity stimulated by the beef industry that occurs in other sectors of the Arizona economy (IMPLAN Group, LLC, 2011)
  • Every 100 Arizona beef industry jobs support an additional 62 jobs in other industries.
  • Sales of cattle accounted for 18.8% of total Arizona agricultural sales, placing it as the 3rd highest agricultural commodity sold.
  • The total market value of capital assets of Arizona beef cattle operations is more than $5.2 billion.

Within SACPA’s geographical boundary:

  • Beef cattle ranching in SACPA’s geographical boundary–Pinal, Pima and Santa Cruz Counties combined– contributes more than $490 million annually to the state’s economy and provides 982 jobs.
  • Beef cattle ranching is a significant part of the economic base of Pinal and Santa Cruz Counties.
  • All three counties are net beef exporters:

 Pima County’s beef cattle ranching sector exports a total of $10.2 million outside the county, bringing money into the local economy. It accounts for 5% of total agricultural exports and 0.05% of economy wide exports. Of the 302 sectors in the county economy, the cattle ranching sector is ranked 152nd in exports (IMPLAN Group, LLC, 2011).

Pinal County’s beef cattle ranching sector exports a total of $421 million outside the county, bringing money into the local economy. It accounts for 38% of total agricultural exports and 6.2% of economy wide exports, the highest share of all Arizona counties. Of the 206 sectors in the county economy, the cattle ranching sector is ranked 3rd in exports (IMPLAN Group, LLC, 2011).

 Santa Cruz County’s beef cattle ranching sector exports a total of $2.8 million outside the county, bringing money into the local economy. It accounts for 18% of total agricultural exports and 0.4% of economy wide exports. Of the 149 sectors in the county economy, the cattle ranching sector is ranked 44th in exports (IMPLAN Group, LLC, 2011).


Click here to view a summary of the University of Arizona analysis of the economic contributions of Arizona’s beef ranching industry.