Border Security and Immigration

SACPA comments on proposed roads in Coronado NF

SACPA submitted comments in  response to the Border Patrol’s January 3, 2014 request for comments with respect to the improvement and construction of roads on the Bell Ranch, the Kay ranch and the Robinson Ranch. Click the link below to read our comments. 2014.02.02.SACPA COMMENTS CNF Road Construction

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Retracted: Walk a Mile in Nick Ivie’s Boots

Update May 3, 2020 We retracted the article, “Walk a Mile in his Boots” by Ron Colburn, upon learning of well-documented opposing information. That information is exposed in investigative journalist Huey Freeman’s book, Who Shot Nick Ivie? Freeman credibly argues that the Colburn article—which unfortunately was first published on this website— contains numerous significant inaccuracies. […]

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Who Knows What’s Endangered?

This article was written by southern Arizona ranchers and biologists. It is published in the Summer 2013 issue of RANGE Magazine. It is re-posted here with permission from RANGE Magazine. Who Knows What’s Endangered?

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“Fast and Furious” Gun-walking Investigation

This page provides news and information about the ongoing Congressional investigation of federal law enforcement agencies including BATFE, FBI, and the Department of Justice and White House involvement in “Operation Gunrunner,” “Operation Castaway,” “Operation Wide Receiver,” “Fast and Furious,” and other, similar government operations involving licensed firearms dealers in Phoenix, Dallas, Indiana, New Mexico and […]

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Border Security and Immigration

***SACPA border ranchers will lead border tours for anyone interested. Please contact us.*** SACPA Statement on Border Security Facts about Border Security (updated June 2014) Securing the United States/Mexico border at the international boundary rather than continuing the current Border Patrol policy of “defense in depth” which attempts to apprehend border crossers 5, 10, 20 […]

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