AZ Game and Fish Dept. Data for Hunt Recommendations
Representative SACPA members met with Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) managers to discuss the methods by which AZGFD determines how many hunting permits are issued in each game management unit. In follow-up to the meeting, Jim Heffelfinger sent us the linked documents. He wrote,
“. . . I have attached the latest hunt recommendations for javelina and deer (both spp) for 36A and 36B. Note that for the deer data you have to click on the “MD Rec” and then “WT Rec” to get both species. Each has not only survey and harvest data for the last 3 years, but also where the current year (and past years) is in relation to our “Hunt Guidelines.” It shows the data that the we collect to manage these populations and the guidelines that the commission has told wildlife managers to manage for. The guidelines are developed through an open public process with a lot of public involvement culminating in the commission approving (or altering and then approving) the guidelines.
Let me know what questions you have and I’ll do my best to answer them.
Jim Heffelfinger
Chair, WAFWA Mule Deer Working Group
University of Arizona Liaison
Tucson Regional Game Specialist
Arizona Game and Fish Department
555 N. Greasewood Road
Tucson, AZ 85745
(520) 388-4448
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Click the following links to download the analysis (You may need to use the “View” menu in your toolbar to zoom in):
2013 36B SMD SWT (484 kb)
DR36A13 (501 kb)
JA36A13(2) (117 kb)
JA36B13 (127 kb)