Detailed Maps of Proposed Jaguar Critical Habitat Units

This page was updated August 22, 2013 with new information that was unavailable during the most recent public comment period that ended August 9. The US Fish and Wildlife Service has released improved critical habitat maps.

3 Ways to View Jaguar Critical Habitat Maps:

1. Download detailed .jpg map images of all the units

Click to Download Detailed Maps of All Proposed Jaguar Critical Habitat Unit Maps (17 Mb zipped file containing all the same maps shown below)


2. View individual .jpg images online

The zipped file above contains all the maps below. Double click on any map image below and zoom in to see greater details.

pCH Jaguar Unit 1a Baboquivari-Coyote 17x22 Unit 1 A Baboquivari-Coyote


pCH Jaguar Unit 1b Southern Baboquivari 17x22  Unit 1B Southern Baboquivari


pCH Jaguar Unit 2 Atascosa 17x22Unit 2 Atascosa


pCH Jaguar Unit 3 Patagonia southeast 17x22 Unit 3 Patagonia


pCH Jaguar Unit 3 Patagonia southwest 17x22Unit 3 Patagonia Southwest


pCH Jaguar Unit 4 Whetstone 17x22  Unit 4 Whetstone


pCH Jaguar Unit 5 Peloncillo 17x22  Unit 5 Peloncillo


pCH Jaguar Unit 6 San Luis 17x22  Unit 6 San Luis

3. View .KMZ file that opens in Google Earth.  This method allows you to move your mouse over the critical habitat boundaries and view exact latitude and longitude or UTM coordinates in the lower part of your screen.

 Google Earth is a free program you can download here
A KMZ file is a type of file that will automatically open up Google Earth (once it’s installed on your computer) and zoom to the location of the file.  Assuming you’re able to download Google Earth and the KMZ file successfully to your computer, you should be able to click on the file and then dynamically zoom in, out, and around the area of proposed jaguar critical habitat.
 Unfortunately, we cannot upload a .kmz file to this website, but you can contact the US Fish and Wildlife Service lead jaguar biologist Marit Alanen and ask her to email it to you.