Comments submitted Oct. 19, 2012 on Proposed Jaguar Critical Habitat

The following comments and attachments were written by Dennis Parker and submitted to the US Fish and Wildlife Service on behalf of SACPA, Pima NRCD, et al.


Comments on proposed rule to designate critical habitat for jaguars in Arizona and New Mexico 10/17/2012

Selected Attachments:

Comments submitted by Dennis Parker to U.S. Fish and Comments submitted to US Fish and Wildlife Service August 14, 2012 in response to Draft Jaguar Recovery plan

Discrepancies and Inconsistencies found in the peer-reviewed jaguar literature and other reports of jaguar sightings in Arizona and New Mexico (7 Mb)

Summary Table of Verified Historical Jaguar Occurrences in Arizona and New Mexico

Histogram chart of verified  historic jaguar occurrences in AZ, NM

Arizona Daily Star Article alleging sexual scent baiting of jaguars

Link to Climate Change study showing 50% of global warming claimed by IPCC is fake

Regulatory Daubert: A Panacea for the ESA’s “Best Available Science” Mandate?

Letter from Solicitor for USFWS claiming attorney-client privilege as excuse for not revealing any guidance given to USFWS regarding coordination and cooperation requirements

PNRCD response to jaguar guidelines and April 2012 Jaguar Recovery Plan

April 2010 Public Records Request from SACPA to AGFD probing for information on AGFD contract with Center for Biological Diversity

Emails revealing AGFD employees hired the Center for Biological Diversity to replace the jaguar habitat model for New Mexico that was developed by New Mexico Dept. of Game and Fish and peer-reviewed: CBD was hired for 1¢ below the threshold of public bid.

Chronology of  efforts by Pima NRCD to bring the US Fish and Wildlife Service into coordination on jaguar critical habitat issue

Article about a live jaguar being found in summer of 2012 inside a Piedras Negras drug stash house

Article about jaguars and other wild beasts kept in “Narco Zoos”  by Mexican drug lords

AGFD response to public records request from Center for Biological Diversity. Emails indicate that imported jaguars may have been seeded into the Chiricahua Mtns. Another document indicates the AGFD officers who arrested Curtis Prock suspected  that the female and male jaguars killed in 1963 and 1964 on the Mogollon Rim were imported.

AZ Daily Star article alleging that researchers killed two jaguars in snares in Sonora before the death of Macho B.

Blog alleging researcher  manipulated jaguars in AZ and Sonora with sexual scent baiting: Part 1

Blog alleging researchers manipulated jaguars in AZ and Sonora with sexual scent baiting: Part 2

Excerpt from typeset copy of original Diary of Phocion Way regarding a “tiger” killed by Mr. Fuller in 1858