Bills to Watch in Congress and the Senate

Bills Introduced in Congress that May Affect Southern AZ Ranchers


For a full list of the Bills NCBA is watching, Click Here.

11-25-11 Udall Bill Expands Death Tax Benefits of Conservation Easements

9-29-11 S.1588–”Recreational Lands Self-Defense Act” Introduced in the Senate  | NRA-ILA

9-29-11 Representative Bishop Holds Legislative Hearing on APPLE Act

9-8-11 Action Plan For Public Land and Education (APPLE) – HR 2852, S. 1524

5-28-11 Bill to preserve grazing rights introduced in US Senate– S.1129

5-28-11 PLC, NCBA Urge Support of Government Litigation Savings Act -HR 1996

5-25-11 Government Litigation Savings Act Introduced to Prevent Abuse of EAJA, ESA -HR 1996

Bill Information:

S. 1129 -Grazing Improvement Act of 2011

H.R. 1505: National Security and Federal Lands Protection Act|GovTrack.US

HR 1505: National Security and Federal Lands Protection Act| OpenCongress

HR 1956 – Refundable Child Tax Credit Eligibility Verification Reform Act| Thomas Register

HR 1956–Refundable Child Tax Credit Eligibility Verification Reform Act|Open Congress

HR 1996 – Government Litigation Savings Act | GovTrack.US

HR 2852 -Action Plan for Public Land and Education (APPLE) | OpenCongress.Org


H.R. 2497: HALT Act (Hinder the Administration’s Legalization Temptation) Act